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Thursday, May 20, 2021

4H Book Art SPIN Club

Do you have stories, writing, photographs, images, drawings you want to showcase? 

 Join other artists to explore the world of making handmade books as a unique way to tell a story through text and image. In this class, you will make simple book structures: Japanese binding, accordion books, pamphlet stitch, and more. Open to youth 11+. We will meet for six sessions on Tuesdays beginning May 24 through June 29th, from 3:30 to 4:30. Registration cost is $15 for the book arts tool kit. You will receive a book arts tool kit in the mail, along with a list of supplies. 

 Kits will be supplied to those that register; but hurry, spots are limited!! Register here before May 24th: https://events.anr.msu.edu/BookArtsSPINClub/

 To register, all youth must be enrolled in this club through 4-H Online (Club is listed under Delta County – SPIN Club-Book Art.) For questions, please email Elizabeth Alderman alderm21@msu.edu or Dave Radloff  radloff@msu.edu