Contact: Jim Isleib
Alger County MSU Extension 906-387-2530
People who are starting new farm businesses, or thinking about it, will benefit from participating in the MSU Extension 2015 Beginning Farmer Webinar Series. You will gain knowledge needed to plan your start-up farming operation, or add a new enterprise to an existing farm. A series of twenty, 2-hour evening webinars covering a wide variety of farm- related topics is available, including:
"Getting started with…."
…Small Grain Production, Jan. 26
...Cover Crops in Organic Vegetable Crop Rotations, Feb. 2
…Integrated Pest Management, Feb. 4
…Manure Storage, Handling and Mortality Management on Small Farms, Feb. 11
…Beekeeping for Pollination and Honey, Feb 13
…Value-Added Agriculture, Feb. 18
…Farm Food Safety, Feb 23
…Sheep and Goat Management, March 2
…USDA Organic Certification, March 9 …Hop Production, March 11
…Season Extension, March 16
…Marketing, March 18
…Small Fruit Production, March 23
…Beef Cow-Calf Production, March 25
…Direct Marketing, March 30
…Managing Soil, Irrigation and Fertilization Interactions, April 1
…Cover Crops in Field Crop Rotations, April 6
…Poultry Production, April 20
…Small Farm Equipment, April 27
…Beef Feedlot Management, April 29
A fee of $10 per webinar is required, or you can register for the entire series for $100. Webinar recordings will be provided to all registered participants. Participate from the comfort and convenience of your own home or office. Registration, a brochure containing details on each individual program, and on-line or mailed payment options can be found at:
Each program begins at 7pm eastern time and will last about 2 hours. A high-speed internet connection is required. You will receive webinar connection information after you register.
Contact the Alger County MSU Extension office at 906-387-2530 or for more information.
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status.